
The secondary use of electronic health records in the age of AI
Les invitamos a participar en la charla «The secondary use of electronic health records in the age of AI» de Hercules Dalianis, el autor del libro Clinical Data Mining, quien expondrá con la presentación de Jocelyn Dunstan, académica IMC-DCC UC e investigadora IMFD sobre este tema. La charla se realizará en inglés, es abierta a todo público interesado.
Hercules Dalianis, the author of the book Clinical Data Mining, is in Chile to discuss the potential of using the information contained in electronic health records to leverage epidemiological information and support decision-making. In particular, he will examine the power of mining clinical text, often discarded in projects due to its complexity. The talk will be preceded by a presentation by Jocelyn Dunstan, who will show examples of successful natural language processing projects developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and the Safety Association ACHS.
Dónde y cuándo
Martes 14 de noviembre, 17.00 horas.
Sala Colorada, Casa Central PUC, Av. Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins 340, Santiago.
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