
George Vega-Yon: Workshop on data analysis using R. Session 2

On Monday, January 7th, 2019, from 10 am to 1 pm, George Vega-Yon will host the second session of the Workshop on Data Analysis in R. Vega-Yon is a Ph.D. student in Biostatistics, at the University of Southern California (USC) in the USA; Master of Science, Caltech (USA); Master in Economics and Public Policy, Adolfo Ibáñez University, Chile.

His research focuses on Computational Statistics applied to the modeling of biological and socio-technical systems, such as the evolution of genetic functions and RR.SS.

The workshop is open to all interested parties, but it is recommended to have intermediate knowledge of R to get the most out of the content. It will be held in Classroom C201, Building C (Civil Construction) of the San Joaquín Campus, Pontificia Universidad Católica (Vicuna Mackenna 4860, Macul, Metro San Joaquín).

Contents of Tutorial 2:

Although R was not designed with High-Performance Computing (HPC), thanks to the fruitful community of R users there are several ways in which it can be used to solve problems using HPC.

This workshop will provide a general overview of what can be done in the area with R, giving emphasis to parallel computing applications, as well as presenting some of the available tools.

The session will be developed as a mixture of presentation and work blocks. Attendees are expected to write R programs to answer questions that will be presented throughout the workshop.
