Áreas de investigación | Governmental Data Infrastructure

The ability to collect and analyze social data is quintessential to statecraft. Governments that lack solid information on society cannot effectively implement public policies.
The Chilean state currently collects massive amounts of data without being able to effectively process, compile, and analyze them. Such data are rarely published in ways that empower citizens to assess their rights and improve their quality of life.
There is a major opportunity for applying novel data management and analysis techniques towards building a robust and scalable infrastructure that takes fuller advantage of governmental data.
Given the scope and decentralized nature of such data, building such an infrastructure poses a concrete instantiation of the challenges tackled by the institute research lines. Therefore, in order to improve the capacity of the Chilean state to design and implement public policy, we will deploy the IMFD results to systematically generate, systematize, integrate and analyze datasets from processes, agencies, and sources in the state.
One of the main goals of our center in this aspect is to build a group of data experts specialized in these issues who can then work hand-in-hand with the Chilean state.
To achieve those goals we will pursue five interrelated research objectives:
-Acquisition and generation of governmental datasets
-Modeling and integration of such datasets.
-Efficient storage of the generated data.
-Development of querying and visualization tools.
-Cooperation on specific projects.
As an example of this last item, we plan to work with different public services to curate or study their data to produce information that enhances a clearer vision of what is happening in Chile.