
December, 2023 – With competitors from Copiapó to Osorno, was held the national final of the XII Chilean Informatics Olympiad (OCI). The event took place in December 15th and 16th, 2023, at the Department of Computer Science at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. The 32 participants had four hours to solve problems by creating code in different programming languages.
Catherine Espinoza, the executive director of the Chilean Informatics Olympiad (OCI), highlights that the skills acquired in computing and programming are applicable to several other dimensions: “The participants learn abstraction, pattern recognition, and also more specific knowledge such as algorithms. The abilities acquired has diverse applications fields, such as health, transportation, and all the world around us. Therefore, it can become very multidisciplinary”.
Of the 32 competitors in this National Final, 50% were from regions, and 28% were women. Among the 10 national medal winners, four were from regions, and two Bronze medals were awarded to women.
Ignacia Urbina, a Bronze medalist, says she prepared through a competitive programming course at Penta UC: “I really liked, in addition to the competition itself, the people and the environment that is created, the activities we have done with everyone,” says the third-year high school student from Colegio Cabo de Hornos in Chicureo (Metropolitan Region).
Edgardo León, the Gold medalist and a first-year high school student at Colegio de Los Sagrados Corazones de Providencia (Metropolitan Region), the opportunity to meet new people who share his passion for programming was one of the aspects he liked the most about OCI: “I was always close to computers, but I didn’t dare to enter OCI until 2021 when I learned more about the world of programming and decided to participate”.
“The OCI is a competition where you learn a lot about programming, but – in addition – participants get to know other young people who are also interested in technology, and that is one of the most important elements of OCI; it creates a community around programming that transcends regional boundaries,” concludes Catherine Espinoza.
The Chilean Informatics Olympiad is carried out with the support as co-organizer of the Millenium Institute Foundational Research on Data.
Gold Medal
Edgardo León González, Colegio de Los Sagrados Corazones de Providencia (Metropolitan Region)
Silver Medals
Enzo Vivallo Flores, Instituto Ramón Freire (Metropolitan Region)
Han Yu Yang Wang, Shanghai High School (China)
Francisco Pinhao Valenzuela, The English Institute (Metropolitan Region)
Bronze Medals
Maximiliano Sánchez Almeyda, Liceo Bicentenario Polivalente San Nicolás, Ñuble (Ñuble Region).
Nicolás Olavarría Rojas, Colegio Alicante del Sol (Metropolitan Region)
Javier Calfuala Villa, Liceo Bicentenario Padre Alberto Hurtado Cruchaga, Loncoche (La Araucanía Region).
Diana Alcota Varas, Liceo Sagrado Corazón, Copiapó (Atacama Region)
Francisco Muñoz Montecino, Instituto Superior de Comercio Profesor Fernando Pérez Becerra, Chillán (Ñuble Region)
Ignacia Urbina Gálvez, Colegio Cabo de Hornos (Metropolitan Region)