
March, 2024.- With the objective of improving the way in which computer programs are understood and analyzed, the work of IMFD researchers and DCC U. Chile academics Matías Toro and Éric Tanter is one of the selected projects of the ANID-DFG fund of the Chilean National Research and Development Agency and the German Foundation for Scientific Research, which seeks to bring together researchers from both countries to jointly design and carry out projects of high scientific quality.

The project “Gradual abstract interpretation” will also involve the researcher Sebastian Erdweg of the Johannes Gutenberg University (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz).
About the research proposal, the academics note: “In this project, we will delve into the theory of gradual program analysis to develop a general approach for developing gradual analyses that are easy to use, support sophisticated programming languages and program properties, and produce implementations of gradual analyses that are scalable to real-world code bases. In doing so, we must find answers to fundamental questions such as: how to gradualize infinite-height abstract domains, how to reason about effective computations gradually, and how to derive dynamic program analysis systematically? We will not only explore these questions theoretically, but also study how to perform gradual program analysis modularly as gradual definitional abstract interpreters in PI Erdweg’s Sturdy analysis framework, which is being used for static analysis of real WebAssembly programs.”
Source: Comunicaciones DCC U. Chile